how to book a home visit
Our home visit service is called:
TBYB (Try Before You Buy)
There are 2 ways you can book products for home viewing:
1 - Easy Way - You book the TBYB products yourself without our assistance.
2 - Easier Way - We book the TBYB products for you.
The 2 separate tabs below have short videos explaining how both these ways work.
There are 2 ways you can book products for home viewing.
The 2 tabs below explain how both these ways work.
Our home visit service is called:
(Try Before You Buy)
There are 2 ways you can book products for home viewing:
1 - Easy Way - You book the TBYB products yourself without our assistance.
2 - Easier Way - We book the TBYB products for you.
The 2 tabs below explain how both these ways work.
There are 2 ways you can book products for home viewing:
1 - Easy Way - You book the TBYB products yourself without our assistance.
2 - Easier Way - We book the TBYB products for you.
The 2 images below explain how both these ways work.
The Easy Way - You book the TBYB products yourself.

To learn more about our products or service, please visit our FAQs page.
You can also WhatsApp us or call us at the numbers below:
(11am-6pm - working days only)
The Easy Way - You book the TBYB products yourself.

To learn more about our products or service, please visit our FAQs page.
You can also WhatsApp us or call us at the numbers below:
(11am-6pm - working days only)